Home > Artworks > Viviana Fernandez Pringles

Photo of Viviana Fernandez Pringles Argentina

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My name is Viviana Fernandez Pringles, was born in Mendoza, Argentina and began my art studies in 1989 with two teachers: Viviana Merette and David Gericke (now in Germany). In his workshop, I began my first strokes ... Then I moved to the city of Cordoba, and went there with my studies now Gran Premio Nacional de Arte in Cordoba we Professor CARLOS PEITO "who marked my life. He was a great father, I think roots and...

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13.78 x 13.78 in
13.78 x 13.78 in
13.78 x 13.78 in
13.78 x 13.78 in
13.78 x 13.78 in
13.78 x 13.78 in
13.78 x 13.78 in
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My name is Viviana Fernandez Pringles, was born in Mendoza, Argentina and began my art studies in 1989 with two teachers: Viviana Merette and David Gericke (now in Germany). In his workshop, I began my first strokes ... Then I moved to the city of Cordoba, and went there with my studies now Gran Premio Nacional de Arte in Cordoba we Professor CARLOS PEITO "who marked my life. He was a great father, I think roots and wings to fly and I'm very grateful.

Then I decided to enter the school of Fine Arts "Jose Figueroa Alcorta" cradle of great Argentine artists, where culture and gave me approval to proceed, there to receive my title of Professor and expert in visual arts.

I took a little longer, and made a postitulación National University Cordoba, where I earned my certification in "Visual Communication ...

I went through drawing, painting, sculpture, made interventions on the streets, and now I dedicate this part of my existence to NO VISUAL ARTS, ie art that only you can touch, regardless of the direction of the Vista.

This work that our country is completely innovative, and has performed in Cordoba several places including the Museum of Anthropology of the same city and now looking to come April, for presentation at the Museum Caraffa.

Also in between all this, I decided to write some books and one of them, came the idea of starting to exploit the touch, which includes the blind and allows us to experience the sensation of going a bit beyond the visual sense.

The work can not be seen, and the public is carried in their hands than you think with your mind ... the work is shared work expands to what each brings to your interiors ... and that makes it very pleasant.

My desire is to be able to share with the world ... AND DESIRE IS THE FIRST STEP IN THE CREATION, which is already being met.

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